Originally Posted by ObieX
With this you also support war, and murder. I mean, what exactly are you saying here? You'd rather get rid of people who prefer peace and stick with those who prefer war? I don't get it.
War and murder are two different things. I do not, and have never, supported dealing with people who have sworn to kill all Americans by trying to change myself and other Americans so that we are no longer offensive to them. I will NOT allow my wife to be forced to wear the Burqua. If people wish to harm me and mine (and by this, I include all decent Americans) then I will respond appropriately, even if that means putting a 62 grain slug through their skulls.
They think its better to look into why they routinely call for the extermination of all Americans and working out the problem instead of removing the brains of these individuals by way of bullets. You know.. peacemaking.. that kinda stuff Jesus always talked about.
I am not a Christian, but have read some of the things said about "that Hippy Bastard from Nazareth". He got what he deserved, and received Due Process of Law. People who support him are supporting a convicted felon. Of course, given the Roman Catholic's outlook on practicing symbolic cannibalism every Sunday, that's no big surprise. Anyway, back to your statements. If somebody is trying to kill you, the appropriate response is to kill them first, NOT to ask them questions about what YOU can do to change so that they will not want to kill you any more. As for peacemaking...."We will create a desert, and call it peace". You can feel free to try your strategy the next time you are about to get ass-raped by some pervert, if you like. I'll continue to carry a gun instead. Which of us will be safer? I'd bet on me.