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Old 06-25-2005, 04:19 PM   #76 (permalink)
Location: Right here
Thanks for the good convo, roachboy. It's been a pleasure interacting with you on this board and I learned things from you almost every time you posted. I wouldn't have remained around as long as I did if it weren't for my desire to read more of your insight. It's pretty obvious to anyone who chooses to see my past interactions that I don't come into the politics board anymore. Within the first day of me returning to see what was going on in a number of weeks, the little thorn in lebel's ass that he has about the things I write seem to have fully bloomed in his mind into a mushroom cloud that warrants censoring my participation. It appears I'm off to join Manx. Have a nice [virtual] life...


You've been around for long enough to know that flaming anyone, especially staff members, is not acceptable behavior. You're a long-time member in good standing and you only have one warning on your record, so I'm marking this down as your second strike. We go by a three-strikes rule here, so this is the only one you're getting. We're trying to clean up the politics board and rude behavior from anyone is going to result in their being swept out the door as we clean.
...some of us have better things to do with ourselves than get bent out of shape when a person replies that they didn't post for your benefit or understanding.

If "cleaning" your board means purging the long-time, valuable contributors from your presence because they word things in ways you don't agree with then hopefully you will re-evaluate the ways in which you interpret what people write before you lose them all.

I didn't "flame" anyone until lebel, who relishes swithing from moderator ("staff") status to member status when it suits his purposes, took it upon himself to pick at my post based on what he assumes I mean whenever I post. If this were an isolated incident, I wouldn't have responded the way I did; every longtime member here knows that the kinds of commentary he makes towards particular members of this community and then jumps back in disbelief when someone responds in kind.

In fact, he still can't leave my comments claiming that they were "scornful". Of course, in a more rational world I would argue that saying I don't really care what you have to say about my comments isn't a "flame." Perhaps some people are reading antagonism into my comment that I wasn't interested in whether he understood what I wrote, which he now claims he understood and partially agreed with. That seems mildly interesting to me since his opening line to me was that he couldn't conceive how my comments were conducive to discussion.
"The theory of a free press is that truth will emerge from free discussion, not that it will be presented perfectly and instantly in any one account." -- Walter Lippmann

"You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists." -- Abbie Hoffman
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