Originally Posted by TM875
Why was Hitler hated? Is it because he mobilized Germany's economy? Is it because he structured an amazingly well-trained military force? Is it because he rebuilt a nation from nothing to one of the strongest countries in the developed world? No, Hitler is looked at as evil and as a devil because HE KILLED PEOPLE IN MASS NUMBERS! Had he not allowed his mad drive for success to extend beyone Germany's boarders, and had aides that prevented him from committing mass genocide, the man might have been known as one of history's greatest leaders. Instead, he became hungry for recognition and control, invaded other nations, and killed a huge number of their inhabitants for a mis-placed ideological cause that eventually led to the destruction of everything that he built.
Sound familiar? The past leads to the future. Welcome to America.
Amazing well put. Granted, as much as i hate shrub and his slithering worms that work for him, shrub isnt gassing millions of people. But your statement is excellent.