The only reason that the FCC ever sides with the plantiffs is that they want to cover their ass and set a precedent.
The radio station DID NOT lie. They DID NOT decieve. They delivered on what they promised. The listeners were the ones filling in the spaces and deriving that the "hundred grand" was referring to dollars.
The "Toy Yoda" boardered on deception, but I would still have sided with the radio station due to the fact that they never promised a "car".
It's plain English here, people. Assumptions and estimations are not fact. The radio station is not at fault, they should pay no damages, and the woman should be forced to pay the $5000 back. She's an ungrateful, lazy, ignorant person who deserves nothing more than what is fairly hers.
"I've made only one mistake in my life. But I made it over and over and over. That was saying 'yes' when I meant 'no'. Forgive me."