Originally Posted by TM875
Personally, I find it disgusting that this purveyor of evil would dare say such disgusting things condemning Democrats and Liberals for 'coddling terrorists' and being in support of terrorism.
Hey, if the Jackboot fits, wear it. What have the Democrats come up with since 911? Well, they've come up with "We need to understand why they hate us, and change so they will not hate us", we've seen "If we just sell out our friends and let the terrorists massacre our allies, they'll kill us last, and that's kind-of a victory, isn't it?", and biggest and best, we've seen them run a Presidential candidate who claimed "I have experience in betraying my country in time of war, so I'll make the best appeasement President yet!".
Do liberals support "Palestinian Rights"? If so, they support terrorism. Hell, look at PETA and ALF/ELF. They're the left's favorite terror group.
If Liberals don't want to be seen as condoning terrorism, they ought to do something revolutionary for them, like, say, STOP SUPPORTING TERRORISTS. It's kind of funny how that works...