Elphaba, I understand - it looks like Kerry photo op and a bit of grandstanding because Krove had a few drinks and got stupid. But after listening to McClellan everywhere and Rove continuing to run his mouth about not owing anybody an apology, I say back the motherfucker up, so he crawls back into his office and doesn't come out until '08, or let retire early.
He was elected to nothing, so shut him up. He didn't earn the right to speak on behalf of this country. He is a hired hand bashing our elected officials and making the US look weak and divided. Nobody who cares about this country should tolerate it Pubs, Dems, Ind, whoever.
I was just reading more of his blather from today... He embarasses all of us.
Oft expectation fails...
and most oft there Where most it promises
- Shakespeare, W.