Good for Rove and fuck and their devisive vitriol, blantant lies, and disgusting corruption of reality.
They proposed exactly what Rove said. Dialogue, understading, and indictments. Mobilize the Compassion Industry they cried.
Democrats don't even have the balls to own up to their own base, or their own points of view. Kill the messenger. We said that...we think that...but HOW DARE YOU tell people what we said or think. How dare you!!!! One of several reasons why they have become so irrelevant to the daily discourse.
It's funny how Rove is dismissed as desperate and a one trick pony. This a man who has has summarily embarrassed and marginalized those in the Democratic party for the shill hacks that they are. Loss after loss after loss...and to GWB too. Hilarious.
When Durbin, that bastian of hope and reason, is held accountable for his "desparation" then perhaps we can talk about Rove.
Frankly, and likely unbeknowst to those pathetic democrats, Rove has some master plan here, that ends up shaking some heat off of Bush and even further humilating the opposition.
It would fit his MO perfectly.
Like him or not he is a brilliant political strategist, who answers to no one. Especially not some whiny pathetic irrelevant democrats. Whah Whah Whah.
Stop whining about Rove (and everything else while your at it) and get on with life. Find someone who will expose the republicans for the shill hacks ~they~ are.
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.