Originally Posted by TM875
I like. It looks clean (as opposed to many new set-ups) and will allow you to get a better sound quality than just the sub on the floor. How far does the back of the sub enter into the car?
The base of the box is about 10 inches wide while the top is about 4. It follows the slant of the back seats. Total airspace is about 1.25 cu.ft. Perfect for one sub.
Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
For the life of me, I can't understand why you'd want to do that.
But that's just me.
I'm impressed at how well it looks. Very professional. I'm sure it would have cost you a great deal more to get it done by a shop. Is that a felt covering on the box? How have you secured it so as to avoid rattle?
Nice job.
Mr Mephisto
I wouldnt call it a felt, more like a heavy black fabric for making clothes. Looks good and feels good too
The floor of my car had a reinforcement that is about 3x3 across the car so i built the box to go up and over it. It locks it right into place without using any bolts. I tested it on some pretty tight corners and there is zero movement, theres really no where for it to go.
Originally Posted by Memnoch
Nicely done. Homemade brings such a higher sense of pride (my system is all homemade and installed).
Thanks, I totally agree, I love looking at something and knowing I made it with my own two hands.