Canales was charged with financial identity theft of $300 to $10,000, also a felony.
It's been said before already, but I'd like to clarify how I'd pose this situation to a jury: Who's identity did he steal? Oh, his own? Yeah, sure.
Ortega-Luna's wife and brother say Ortega-Luna did not know at the time what he was doing was illegal. His family says he just wanted a social-security number to work and pursue the American dream.
Two things: At the time, maybe. But spending the past eight years in America without ever once learning of the concept of identity theft? Doubtful. Also, (and I haven't heard news about this in years, so inform me if I'm mistaken) isn't three years the amount of time needed to spend in the country for an illegal alien to request citizenship?
In terms of illegals, I don't really care if they come here to stake out a claim. More power to them; but you get no sympathy from me if you start by fucking over a born citizen.