The thing is it appears the station made the promotion look like the winner would get 100 grand which in common parlance would translate to one hundred thousand dollars. I'm sure the jock really hyped the contest as well. The reason laws are in place to prevent this is to provide a fair ground of competition with other stations. Lets say you own station WSUX and you are in an important ratings period. You are running a close second to station WBAM. You promote a contest where you appear to be giving away a LARGE sum of money. You draw listeners away from WBAM with your big money promotion and get the higer ratings. You can raise your advertising rates an your station is the big winner in the market. The only thing is you never had one hundred thousand dollars to give away. You used deceitful practices to compete in the marketplace and artificially increased ratings with resources you never had. This will not do. The station should be fined and the complaintant should get a substantial settlement.
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.