Thread: Battlefield 2
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Old 06-23-2005, 08:36 PM   #60 (permalink)
got the demo a while a go, and i cant say im impressed. it feels just like bf1942, with all of it's ridiculous problems, but tries harder.

i would prefer bf1942 because it doesnt really try to be tactical.

bf2 just fails at being slow and tactical. there is still way too much jump-shooting, circle strafing, parachute-kamakaziing and tank-charge-bailing-out-ing.

a few improvements being better kits and better weapons but thats about it.

as with bf1942, i find single player way more enthralling. as bots actually know how to use spawn zones, cover, and don't play like silly zerg-rush/flashbanging CSers.

Call of Duty (with expansion) is still the best game like this out there, to date. Fast, furious, but extremely slow and tactical. Great vehicle incorporation and balance.
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