I've actually just seen the movie like 3 days ago.
First reaction was meh...when you know what is gonna happen, its less exciting. George Lucas shoulda done em in the right order. Also, not a lot of people seem to think this, but Hayden Christensen's acting sucks major balls. I honestly think they chose him to act as Anakin because of his looks. The scenes with Padme?? wtf? I remember someone saying that his reaction to the pregnancy was good? A high school theater club actor could do better than him. I'm just glad we won't see his facial expressions anymore (because of that mask) even if Lucas does decide to remake the OT .
OK. I'll stop hating now, I'm being very negative. The rest of the acting was decent, and I was so happy that Jar Jar was gone...he's half the reason of the suckiness of the NT.
The graphics, of course, were superbly done. Although we do wonder some stuff...
This has been discussed about General Grievous before, but if you turn it around..When Grievous shatters the window of the space ship, wouldn't the humans die? First of all, the emptiness of space shoulda collapsed them with pressure..or something. And if not, the temperature of the room would have gone down to around -200 degrees Celcius (outer space is right by the absolute zero, right?) even before those metal panes automatically closed.
I thought general Grievous was pretty cool, although when he claims Dooku had taught him in the "Jedi Arts", all he does is spin 4 light sabers simultaneously really fast...I mean, Black and Decker could've taught him that.
I hate being the little nitpicker, but I can't help it, so here's more : when Anakin and Obi Wan are fighting on Volcano planet, they do their little stunts and find themselves battling on platforms and such 2 feet above the surface.. Wouldn't the temperature rise up to several hundred degrees?
And if you give me that "that's too high above to harm them" or "they're Jedi's" kinda stuff, well then Anakin wouldn't be catchin on fire when he's tanning next to the lava afterwards...
just my 2 cents.