Also with a Z3 and being 18, you may have a hard time keeping on top of insurance payments as a student.
Insurance depends on where you live, better to ask the brokers than us. I'm 3 years older than you (with the extra driving experience that implies) and I pay $230/month CDN on my Chevrolet Beretta, so if you get a V8 car or 2 seater it might be tough to keep on top of.
I'd sooner look at a more economic car to get you through school, especially if you commute (but even if you don't). Spend the money on a newer Honda or Volkswagen Golf, something like that and worry about the sports car after you're out of college and making the big bucks.
If you're determined that you want a sports car, the Mustang is probably a decent choice, or you may be able to get a 95-96 Trans Am or something.
EDIT - I realize I'm sort of contradicting myself by saying that we can't really give a good quote and then offering what I pay. However, my car's pretty cheap to insure and my insurance is nearly $100 less than any other guys my age I know, regardless of what they're driving, so it sort of gives a good idea as to what the minimum might be.
Last edited by Martian; 06-23-2005 at 02:02 PM..