This is exactly how I feel:
"The five most liberal justices on the court made up the majority, once again proving that today's left is utterly devoid of any principle other than ensuring massive, all-encompassing, ever-growing government power. In this case, they'll gladly side with huge corporations who collude with state and local government to screw powerless people out of the homes and property they've owned for generations. The corporations get cheap land below market value, and the local city council members get more tax money to throw around to win votes."
^From my favorite libertarian: Radley Balko on his blog the Agitator.
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the most controversial issues coming out 5-4. I certainly don't like this decision, and frankly haven't like much of what the Supreme Court has done to damage our freedoms and enhance the governments power of late. I think I'm ok with the methodology though. The balance will hopefully change...the sooner the better, and eventually these punches in the face of what makes this country so great will be over turned. The more federalist the court becomes the better.
Some here once said:
Since when has the constitution been a tool to protect the government from the people? It is actually supposed to be an assurance of protecting the people from the government.
It is clearly being used as the former of late with collusions from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
This decision wasn't all that unexpected...but damn, I am so sad right now, that it actually happened.
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.