If your making adjustments on the monitor to get it to fill the viewable area then the monitor isn't remembering the last setting for some reason. Try reseting the monitor and/or adjusting it again then change the resolution to make sure it sticks. If it doesn't stick in 1600x1200 try a lower resolution to see if the monitor remembers the settings at lower resolutions. If it remembers settings so long as you don't reboot then you should call samsung for support because most monitors now will retain settings even after power down and the monitor might be defective but just check with them to see if it's functioning the way it was designed. If it never remembers settings then call them because my old 17" samsung flat-tube was great with stuff like that (set it and forget it). All summed up the monitor may be defective cuse no good samsung should have such problems. However if you problem is with having to constantly adjust the resolution setting in windows see flat5's post above.