I Kissed Dating Goodbye.
Im wondering if any one has read this stuff? This book is becomming all the rage around the area where im living and it sucks. This girl that i've cared a lot about for a long time I told her how I felt and it didn't go so well. I've never been rejected and lectured at the same time, about how she's not going to even kiss a man tell she's at the alter, how dating is a sham etc. So I check out the book and read it, it's really weird I didn't like it at all, I was wondering if any one has experienced this lovely book, like I said a lot of the girls have read this book in my area, making it even harder to find a nice girl. However I did agree with one thing, that people shouldent feel so bad if they arn't in a relationship there's a lot of pressure to be dating some one and being single is okay, but then the book goes completely out of control. I personaly can't wait tell it goes away and hopefuly one day it goes out of printing. It's called I kissed dating goodbye by Joshua Harris, it's an interesting read even though it's all completely BS.