06-22-2005, 08:04 PM
#48 (permalink)
To bump this thread again, I came across this link of a blogger who wrote down the response of his son seeing the movies in order.
Prequel Generation Questions A New Hope
For years we've speculated what it might be like for the first generation of Star Wars fans who watch the saga "in order"... Episode I, II, III then IV, V and VI. For me, speculation became observation as my barely-7-year-old son watched A New Hope after having seen ROTS twice. My boy is very knowledgable about the prequels, but hasn't seen ANH since he was four. For all intents and purposes, this was like a "first viewing" for him.
Here is a selection of his many, many questions... none of which I had when I saw ANH at the age of six...
- after recognizing the Tantive IV corridore, "Hey, they didn't have all those people in there before. Where did they get them."
- later in that same scene, "Are the Republic troops clones too? They all look the same?" (Of course, by Republic troops he meant what we've always called Rebels. But being on an Alderaan ship... who is correct?)
- "Wow! Is the Death Star done already? I guess that's how you know that a long time has passed."
- "Look... Obi-Wan is pretending he doesn't know R2-D2." (see Hole/No-hole: Why doesn't Obi-Wan remember R2? )
- in Ben's hut: "Where is Qui-Gon? I thought Obi-Wan was supposed to be training with him?"
- as C-3PO throws a Jawa body on the pile... "Do you think that R2-D2 started that fire with his jet rockets?"
- "How can the Emperor dissolve the Senate? Didn't he destroy it trying to kill Yoda?"
- "Is Chewbacca the only Wookiee that survives the Clone Wars?" (with great concern)
- "Why don't those ships need Hyperspace rings?"
- "So, does this mean that R2-D2 is really the main character in Star Wars?"
- and finally, though not prequel-provoked, "Why are red leader and gold leader the leaders? They don't know what they're doing..."
These are all making me think. What a blast seeing Star Wars with fresh eyes. Stay tuned for a report when we screen "The Empire Strikes Back".