The drive home was arduous at best. At every stoplight, Tom tried not to look around, but his eyes would dart side to side just the same. A horn honked and he jumped. Anyone and everyone was suspect. "I'm just paranoid and silly," he said to himself. Affairs end for any number of reasons; surely she understood his.
Reaching for his door key, his hand shook and it surprised him. Quickly he got inside and purposely latched both the deadbolt and the doorknob. A beer. Need a beer.
His mind drifted back to a year ago. She wanted to share everything about herself and he wanted to know. At first, there were the meet-ups with a few of her friends. A few drinks at local bars, deep discussions about things Tom thought, at the time, were just psuedo-intellectual fodder. But a commonality in all these get togethers stuck out. And soon, he too, would bear the same mark.
He stared again at his hand. Damn her.....
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
Last edited by ngdawg; 06-22-2005 at 06:23 PM..