Originally Posted by Phant84
so now after everyone has said dont change anything for a woman, what happens when they give you the "here is my hand sideways and just a couple of fingers" handshake?
This as I understand it is found more often in the south where the tradition was held longer for the woman to offer her hand to be kissed. I've met some women who shake hands this way and it seems that they are most comfortable with you simply take those fingers that they offer, "pretend" to give a handshake, and not get too flustered. I doubt that they truely intend for you to kiss their fingers as was once the custom. I think it's just how their mother's or grandmother's taught them to shake hands. This is what seems to be the case for my aunt who was born and raised in Georgia and really has a strong southern accent and some very southern traditions. Any ladies here that are aware of any different reasons??
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.