Originally Posted by Lebell
There have been several studies that show that children's brains are physically changing up until tthey reach about 20 or so.
The part of the brain that is developing is the area that has to do with decision making.
In otherwords, there is a scientific reason why children make stupid choices.
OK, I'm with you so far...
Originally Posted by Lebell
So you are asking the physically impossible to have a 13 year old be an adult.
You read those studies and, using your world view, infered the crucial variable in these studies to validate said view.
There are the two major opposing variables one can infer from those studies:
1. maturity comes from time alone ticking away into infinity
2. maturity comes from experience
You say since children are incapable of maturity and responsibility until the magic numer 18 or 20 pops around, it's ok to treat them like some kind of idiot or slave until that time. Children have committed murder knowing that, since they are minors, they will just get a slap on the wrist.
I say since most people aren't allowed to assume responsibilities until late teens and early twenties and are placed in schools that diliberately deprive them of experiences, it makes sense why their brains are still forming so late.
I have
seen children behave responsibly and make intelligent chioces at around 13. So your statement about it being impossible is either false, or I am hallucinating. Take your pick
Originally Posted by cheeterbo
i have watched four kids 15 and under brought up by my sister in eula's way.
not a good job. my sister could even be eula, but i read eula is childless.
Your sister failed; many parents that share my philosophy have been successful. I think you are conflating permissive parenting with laziness and/or neglect.
Originally Posted by cheeterbo
....and this is just from setting boundaries. no yelling, hitting or other punishment.
As I have said before, there is one great boundary in my philosophy: respect.
Originally Posted by cheeterbo
eula, you might have extraordinary patience or something, or, you seem to want to rail against the machine, but simple letting kids figure it out doesnt help the vast majority of children. one or two might get by with this lord-of-the-flies approach, but, it the big picture, i think it is shameful.
Lord of the Flies? Have you been reading my posts AT ALL? The children will be guided, not dropped off on some island to fend for themselves.
**Completely rude and unnecessary comment removed. - analog.**
Have you told your sister that her children are useless to society? Just curious.