I'm not dismissing unpleasant information. I see the memos, the articles. But I keep hearing you guys talk about impeachment.
gee, when i read this, i assumed that you were in fact reading this information as you came across it. and the various findings about the wmd charade. and the demolition of the connection to "terrorism." in fact, i went so far as to assume that your argument was that there would be no impeachment because, knowing the information that was and is readily available about bushco's marketing of this farce of a war, you did not see the legal basis for impeachment.
now, in response to mantus, you seem to be claiming either that there is no evidence that the public was...um...mislead (to put it mildly)--whcih is absurd---or that you have not in fact seen any of it, which woudl contradict what you said earlier.
do you really believe that there were no problems with the bushcase for war?
on what basis? that the wmd systems were in fact found? why is that a secret known only to yourself then? that there was a link to al qaeada? on what basis? what are you actually arguing for here, apart from the narrow legal claim that you made many posts ago and seem to be content with recycling, over and over, with various minor inflections?
if you do not see any problems with the bushcase (leaving the impeachment issue asiude for the moment because i do not see anywhere for that to go), in your mind is it possible that there could be problems? what would constitute a problem? beyond the president in question being a democrat--i assume that would be one in your mind. but maybe i'm wrong, so enlighten me please.