Additionally while plants might be energy efficient it might be a significant pain to have a balanced diet from nothing but plants; humans are omnivores so our bodies are designed to take nutrition from both meat and plants so cutting meat out completely requires a carefully controlled diet to replace their nutritional value. While it is possible for plants to replace meat it is probably more convenient to just eat a chunk of cow every so often rather than worry about your legume intake. It turns into a tradeoff between your time and the cow's time, which is most easily measured in money in our capitalist society. Which diet type is the cheapest?
Well, legumes are also cheaper than meat most of the time. Really, it takes much more time to cook steak than beans? Also, you can get pretty much everything in soy now, even balogna and ground "beef."
He's also not against eating eggs and dairy. Chickens can lay eggs for quite a while, and cows can give milk for a while too. They can produce more of these things in a full lifetime than they can provide meat in exchange for a shorter period.
It's sorta like saying that recycling isn't worth the time and effort... maybe.