I live just outside Toronto and my girlfriend lives in Detroit. Some things to try:
She sends me free text message via Bell Mobility's website. If she's using Rogers or another carrier, there's probably a similar feature.
We use calling cards, which work out to be pretty cheap. It lets us talk on a daily basis, along with my long distance plan, which gives me 1000 minutes anywhere in Canada or the US for $5/month. It's a special plan with Bell for people who bundle services (ie, mobile, internet and/or satellite) and may or may not be available in Quebec, but it's worth looking into. I pay about $36/month for my cell phone and aside from any use it is I make the money back in avoided long distance charges and then some. Once Bell accidentally charged me for my calls to Detroit for a month and the total was well over $150 (fortunately a quick call straightened that out).