Hard drive problem I think.
This computer has been messed up for a few months now. I got bored and figured I'd try and fix it. At first, I'd try to start it up with one hard drive, and it wouldn't start up at all ( messed up hard drive I think ). Tried it with another hard drive, tried to reformat it, went through all of the blue screen process of reformatting, and when it got to the part where it has the little messages, and the time remaining ( Windows XP Pro ), it'd just freeze. I put ANOTHER hard drive in, reformatted, went through that same process, but when I restarted to get to the time remaining, like I said above, it just gets an error that says INT13/02h Read Error (AX=0101, DL=80). I've tried switching IDE cables, changing ram, and resetting CMOs. I've searched google, and really didn't find anything about that error. If anyone could help, that'd be great. Thanks.