Dreams can be the coolest ever..Even bad ones..
I think I remember bad dreams that I had as I child..
One where I was on a beach of sand (the image was in greyscale, oddly enough) with a steep descent o the water...And I was looking at the semi-chaotic water, and the whole setting flipped upside down..or something, and I "fell" in the water..
I had this sort of drowning experience, I was immerged in this charcoal color fluid, everything faded to black..
Then, still in the dream when I "woke up" again I was seeing myself in some sort of marina. The water was illuminated by these underwater lights, so it had that greenish color; it was night time. And as corny as it was (the point of view was from the top) I was seeing the dark silhouettes of two huge sharks swimming around me.
So I swam towards the docks really fast, got out and went walking on the bordwalk nervously. I entered a weird restaurant with fancy people and waiters all dressed in red, had myself guided to a table, and then I went to the bathroom. And (this is weird) I looked at myself, and my eyes were full of salt. I really don't know why. And that's where it ended.