Originally Posted by Korn2005
I think you guys took what I said wrong..I know that a tone is hard to locate through text..So i'll try to sum it up a bit more...I wanted to know why I was missing something. Not that I'm a pervert looking for hardcore porn or anything. I was just wanting to know why I was missing something. I apologize for the inconvenience and confusion I've caused anyone...I guess I should just keep my mouth shut from now on.
Didnt mean to come off negative Korn.....we field this question on a regular basis, even tough a simple search often reveals the needed information. After the last update, we needed to cut down on bandwidth costs and felt losing the prOn leaching would be a good way to do so. The Tittie board is still here, but must be earned thru participation in the community, thus eliminating an enormous amount of so called "Dead weight" from the server.