There was an enormous shift, both mentally and emotionall for me when I started college. The fact that my boyfriend at the time was attending the school influenced my decision, but luckily I had enough of my own interests to keep me afloat when we ended it about 2 months into the first school semester for me.
From what you are saying of your girlfriend, I think she may be realizing just HOW MUCH you are both changing right now. Looking back, I'm glad I was single because I then had the freedom to explore things myself, and learn about ME without having thoughts and issues fed to me from the SO.
It sounds like this may be the root of her issue - the other things seem to be ways to allow you to stay together but still give her the room she needs. She will be the one who will need to make the ultimate choice about what is best for her, but if you can support her, whatever she decides, then you will help her do the right thing. It is a sign of love to do as much as you can to help both people grow, and holding and stifling someone will only cause resentment and a rift to develop between you two.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna