Originally Posted by Rekna
One thing you failed to mention Ustwo is that under this contract style it is in the contracters favor to spend as much money as possible. Claim as much as you can as an expence, overcharge where ever possible, and your profit amounts go up. This is what Halliburton did in Iraq with the oil. The only thing is they got caught.
And yet continue to keep up the practice, with the govenment's help to hide the evidence none the less.
The Pentagon stood accused of sitting on a damaging report from its own auditors on a $108.4m (£56.6m) overcharge by Halliburton for its services in Iraq yesterday
How about paying a $100 to do a bag of laundry that we have to pay for.
And then there is the $2.2 billion worth of subsidies. Mind you back when the Dems were in power Halliburton obtained $1.5 worth of subsidies.