Thanks. I've hit the jackpot in information. Mom and Dad got back from a week long vacation. I told Mom about my Dr's appointment and the TSH test results. Come to find out, Grandma (Maternal side) and her 3 sisters as well as her mother all ended up having to take Thyroid hormones for Hypothyroidism. My Paternal Grandma is ALSO on Thyroid Hormone currently. My mother dealt with goiters, Dad has had an immune disorder, and my brother as well. It seems like I was doomed to develop something. Mom was telling me all kinds of information that I couldn't remember it all. She apparently went with Grandma to a lot of her Dr's appointments, knows the better kinds of synthetic or natural hormones to take, and knows how to control it with diet. She also offered to go with me to the Dr's. She's suggesting that I get off my BC. The thought had crossed my mind. I'm so afraid of going off though because I had 3 migranes the last time I was on the placebos. I cannot deal with that. The reason is that estrogen can be damaging to thyrosine production. Perhaps I can go onto a progesterone only pills. They did work well for me before. We'll have to see. Calling the Dr's office tomarrow morning. Wish me luck.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.