Thread: What is God?
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Old 06-18-2005, 07:08 PM   #24 (permalink)
Getting Clearer
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Originally Posted by xddga
People hold on to it like a shield and quote it without ever trying to understand it or learn the lessons from it. To them, it's the be-all/end-all answer book. when in doubt, just flip to a random page and they'll find a quote to suit their needs.
Yes, I agree - there are people that do this. I however have moved through this and just looked at the information presented and applied that with and to all my other learnings. There are only a few things that cause me some conflict, but overall I have found many correlations with other expressions of belief.

Originally Posted by xddga
So a lot of my view points tend to take the side of those and have more of an anti-god aproach...
I find this interesting as I have found the opposite. I see the information I have compiled as an interpretation of an ultimate intelligence or energy that I assume is given the lable 'God'.

Another reason I do not discount the idea of God is that throughout the ages, man has always appeared to aspire to something 'higher'... it is something I see as inherent within us, something that seems to nag at people, the reason we question and philosophise.

Originally Posted by zen_tom
He is what we strive to become, either personally or as a society.
I really like the simplicity of this too. Whether this is God, or something on a consciousness level I do not know. I just find with either expression and the variations in between, it is interesting in that it produces thoughts of evolution or aspiration.
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