Thread: What is God?
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Old 06-18-2005, 06:10 PM   #22 (permalink)
It amazed me, the amount of information it contained. I think it has a great 'blue-print' for living. There are a lot of issues about human behaviours, the shoulds and shouldn'ts. I could also relate much of my other learnings and ideals with what was being said in the Bible. I was surprised at the amount of 'good' information. It is all this that keeps any spark of a God like aspect in my thoughts.
I agree... but I also think it's more of a guide book then strict rules of living ones life. People hold on to it like a shield and quote it without ever trying to understand it or learn the lessons from it. To them, it's the be-all/end-all answer book. when in doubt, just flip to a random page and they'll find a quote to suit their needs. same thing happens everyday w/ Nostradums' Centuries.

if your going to try to find an answer to a question like "what is god?", I think you have to look at many different theories and texts and look at them all with an open mind, rather then one small section with a closed mind.

Like you, I started out on the more paranormal side of thing when a friend of mind said he could Astral Projection and learned what I could on that, and moved on to more mysticism/spirtual subjects, then on to buddhism, and now mainly just other's philosophies. so a lot of my view points tend to take the side of those and have more of an anti-god aproach...
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