Poker online.. How hard is it to win your initial deposit back?
My friend and I were talking today..
He and I have played poker with each other and friends for a few months now, and he has been playing online for real money for a month or more. I have only played with "play money" online.
We are members at Party Poker, and today we discussed the possibility of me making an initial deposit ($50), winning it back, and then playing with "free money."
I don't like gambling, but I enjoy poker. Unfortunately, play money results in stupid and unrealistic poker, and I am really tempted by the opportunity to start an account for $50, and then win $50, cash it out, and then from that point on, play with "free" money.
The issue I am concerned about is.. How hard is it to win back your initial deposit?
I would be playing "low wager" games, and I am an average poker player. When playing with friends, I win some, and generally finish middle of the pack. I am not great, but I do like playing the game, and am really excited about playing online against others that aren't going all in pre-flop just because the money is fake.
Has anyone here at TFP won their initial deposit back, cashed out, and then played with "free money"? How did it go? How hard was it to win back your money?
I have no intention of gambling my savings away, or even looking to make a huge profit of playing poker online. But I would like the opportunity to play good games of poker online, and was hoping the users here that play could offer their feedback and experiences.
Desperation is no excuse for lowering one's standards.