Lebell: so you admit that the Americans are led by blind hatred? You state that I’m displaying blind hatred to condemn blind hatred…so you agree with me?
Shakran: I could state the same towards you in terms of being blind to the realities of the Iraq massacre. And although Bush and his comrades should be held accountable for their war crimes, so should those who are weak and fight for a cause they don’t believe in. It goes back to my point of free will, no matter what consequence these soldiers face, they have a choice, and if they fight simply because they are mindless drones, sorry. Being a propaganda induced puppet isn’t the key to attaining sympathy. You know, it’s pathetic to see maimed, wounded and amputee American soldiers come home and expect the world to feel sorry for them. It’s all fun and games killing others, and when you receive the same thing that you went out to dish, and did dish, you cry like a little coward. Karma is indeed a bitch, and maybe now they will think about their crime against humanity when they look in the mirror and see their disfigured face. You try to hand out death and torture; you’re bound to get the same treatment, tough shit.
J8ear: minimal destruction of civilian infrastructure? What is the definition of minimal…Iraq is now a complete anarchic wasteland. The Americans are cowardly fighters, they don’t like to face them enemy. You know what they do to get a lone freedom fighter in a empty building? They call in an $50,000,000 air strike, as they do with vehicles. I will post you the videos. And once they waste the tax payers money, they cheer like little cowards while screaming and chanting racist remarks. I don’t see the minimal destruction, their war methods are over kill. They destroy schools, mosques, entire cities (fallujah, mosul, baghdad), mostly with complete disregard of how many innocent civilians may still be occupying the premises.
Now, minimal loss of civilian life? Another joke, first off, there is no such thing as “minimal” loss of civilian life, secondly, it is estimated that between 30,000 – 100,000 innocent Iraqis have been murdered. The drains of the city literally flow with the blood.
Minimal loss of military personal? There shouldn’t be a minimal loss if your “boys” are dying for an unjust cause. A cause that will accomplish nothing but produce more death and misery in this already hate-filled planet.
Brutal dictator overthrown: yeah, and replaced with a pathetic puppet govt. filled with traitors that will be overthrown once the mission of the islamic resistance is complete.
Lasereth: yes, war is ugly, war is hell, so on and so forth. Doesn’t justify the death. And I hate to break it to you, but not every one of those tens of thousands of innocent that were destroyed by the American war machine were being “hostile”. 2 year old children aren’t hostile, the elderly are not hostile…I fail to see the “ignorance” the Americans were treated with. What I see is several cowards cursing at innocent woman while beating and pushing them. What I see is cowards grouping together and beating a civilian. What I see is a inept moron stating to an Iraqi that if he doesn’t shut his mouth, they will detain him. What’s interesting about that is that the Iraqi civilian was telling him that he doesn’t need some thug helping him be “free”, and the American soldier said without me here, you wouldn’t have the right to say what you’re saying, and when the civilian disagreed with him, he immediately told him to leave or he’ll take him in. Why? Because he fears the truth, and because the American soldiers are “do as I say, not as I do” people. I can kill your family, I can abuse your woman, and I can detain your innocents, but don’t you dare put your filthy Muslim hands on me.
And no, the Americans are not winning this war, they lost it when they invaded, and they are being destroyed by the mujahideen and brave fighters by the minute, as are the traitor Iraqi police who are cooperating with the enemy. This war will never end because the resistance will never die, this is a fact. The Americans thought they would be welcomed with open arms and flowers? Sorry, people don’t like being illegally invaded, told how to live and have their loved ones killed. They are not terrorist’s, insurgents, or murderers. They are brave fighters who have the guts to stand up and fight the cowardly enemy. Bless them.