Originally Posted by sportswidow05
I saw a bumper sticker and it made me wonder if it is true. (If this is in another thread, I couldn't find it).
You cannot be Catholic and Pro-Abortion.
I am trying to figure out what I do believe and if it fits any religion. Is this a true statement? If you say you are Catholic, does that mean you have to be pro-life? I do not want to start any debates, I just need to know if this is true.
To be true to the Catholic faith, you would have to adhere to its rules. Killing the unborn is murder to the Catholic faith and as such if you were 'pro-abortion' it is no different than saying 'pro-murdering-children' to the Church. So yes you can not be truely Catholic and be pro-abortion. You would be 'unsaved' and have a ticket straight to hell unless you repented.
I'm not sure if there is any major faith that is pro-abortion.