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Old 06-17-2005, 07:43 PM   #5 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
You sound a bit like myself. I'm an extremely shy guy, and only really open up and take shots when the opporunity is perfect. And let me tell you, you have a perfect opportunity. DON'T miss it. If anybody knows missed opportunities, it's me.

As far as figuring out how to ask her out, this is also the step where I also have the most trouble with. Ask her to lunch. Lunch is a better first step than dinner, because it's much more casual. It's also not really seen as a date date, but it lets her know you are interested in her outside of work and school. Do that a time or two and if she seems to have fun, then do dinner or a movie.

Reading the last paragraph of your post reminded me completely of myself. There's been girls that i've thought about like that too, and I let them slip away. The regrets I have are huge. Seriously man, don't miss your opportunity. You said it's been about 3 weeks since you've been together each day, which is more than enough time to get to know her as a friend. You should act now. Doing anything is better than doing nothing at all
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