Uhh..the video just showed footage from what happens in every war in the history of mankind. Innocents get killed, people suffer, and the battles are vicious/gruesome. What did you expect, the soldiers to be shooting nerf guns at each other with the civilians holding "I'm innocent" signs above their heads? The video didn't portray anything but the exact atmosphere that comes with war. War is ugly, plain and simple. If innocents are shot, it's most likely because they were becoming hostile.
The bastards that tortured the POW's are being taken care of. If anything, this video showed how hard the US troops are working over there and seeing the ignorant treatment they get from Iraqi people who lost a family member that was probably associated with hostility. This reminds me of PETA and Michael Moore all at once. They don't care about the facts: they care about the extremities and gaining political power from shock values.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert