this is a simple one...really you just have to get past YOUR head and deal with it for what it is...
I've been where you are before and its tough..but because you make it that way.
Ok lets start here... Your feeling like your falling for her be cause she is "chased" Nothing gets a person going then knowing that they have to struggle to get the attention of another and I'm shure she likes it a little that you hunger for her. ITs a catch 22, man. Honestly, if you can get your head around the fact that you are liking her more and more because your chasing her more and more then you can start to realize what your doing.
But here is what you do. Don't break things off with her, don't ignore her, don't leave her. If she makes good company and you enjoy your time together, AWSOME, thats always a good thing to have, don't blow that because your frustrated.
BUT...your right about enjoying some other people. Do it man, nothing like getting out and having a good time with other friends to get yourself out of the "chased" loop. There are many good things about doing this. First, it fills the time that you would have been spending Pining futally over this gurl. It also gets you a perspective on what your relationship with this gurl really is, is it THAT good? Are you just spinning your wheels? Is there something better around the corner? I'm not saying, jump in the sack with a bunch o gurls to get this one. But don't let having a gurlfrend stop you from having some good platonic relationships with other gurls. Your not married yet and this relationship doesn't sound like its heading down that road TO to fast so treat it like it is. Sounds like your young so you got some time to find that right one, or find out this one is the right one. There are a few other good things about getting your head outa this gurl and slowing the pining but the REAL kool thing is... if you do it right and you build your confidance with other friends and relations your gonna find more confidance with her. This in turn will start to turn her toward the "chased" mode. Some cofidance and alot of good friends proves to her that, "Hay this guy is worth something, he's got it goen on".
Don't ignore her and treat her well when you spend time with her but don't spend your time away fussing about her. it is what it is, a short term relationship (so far) that hasn't moved to fast. Have some fun man, running in circles for a gurl gets yah nowhere.
Well best of luck, I can't promise you anothing on this but I'll promise you, that if she doesn't work out you may have found yourself some friends and relationships that may fare better for you. And if it does and you treat her like a gentalment during this time it will only help grow a larger relationship later.
Good luck man woman are a strange and wonderful crazy little thing to deal with.
ehh, didn't read the end o this thread sounds like its not goin well...well, I tried! Theres more fish out there man!