The situation is setup and worded very badly. There's not enough information given on the situation, and the actual situation would likely never happen.
If someone attacked me, I would do EVERYTHING in my own will to defend myself, even if that means knocking him unconscious and possibly taking his life. I would not "try" to kill him, but if he kept atttacking me and I kept fighting and it didn't end until he was dead, then that's what he'll get. Sitting there and taking it to prevent own further physical harm is not a good choice. It seems today that the "cool" and "ghetto, brave" thing to do is just go ahead and kill instead of just mug. I'm not gonna take that chance.
Now, the actual question/situation posted: I would of course let him beat me up. Killing someone when they did not threaten your life is against the law. <B>In the original poster's situation, killing the attacker would send you to jail</B> because he did not threaten your life. Hell, the situation even states that you would be mildly injured. The question makes no sense and the situation would never happen.
Those that are answering "kill" are changing the situation into my first paragraph..basically whether to defend yourself or not. In the original poster's description, there are only two options: KILL the attacker and suffer no damage, or barely take any damage yourself and let the attacker get away. The obvious choice is to let the attacker get away, else you'd literally go to jail.
Is the original poster trying to set up a personal defense question, or is the question trying to manipulate people into agreeing they'd kill over money? I think it needs to be explained waay better.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert