Originally Posted by powerclown
This may be true, but I think you may be forgetting that the Kurds (and any other people or region with a two-thirds majority in three governates) have been granted the power to reject a draft constitution. This has the effect of ensuring that orthodox Islamic law won't become the sole source of legal interpretation, which would keep the Kurds (and other minorities in Iraq) from becoming subjects of a Shia majority.
The reference to Detroit was straightforward. A new 'Kurdistan', established within the federalist system of the country of Iraq.
Or, on a smaller level, a Chinatown within New York City.
which is just a nod to the reality of how many guns kurds are hodling. it's also a potential source of major gridlock and political stalemate. if they had something holding them together...it could be a source of compromise. but as things are, i would think that such a structure will produce self-interested vetoes, and stalemate and confrontation. remember how long it took to get the cabinet in place? remember how long it's taken to get anything done?
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16