Originally Posted by ObieX
. Most people here who are against the war don't care about "Bush Co." or the other partisan BS this country has been tossing around, they care about the deaths of children and their families. They care abot their houses being destroyed and their lives completely ruined... Their children killed and their parents taken outside and slaughtered.
This is the most important thing to remember. To hell with the politics and bullshit, the fact is that innocent people are dying for nothing. Brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, children. It is these people that are the true heroes of any war, and they should be the ones honored, not those who were responsible for murdering them. The world, especially America needs to see the imagery of the death, perhaps the reality of this war will sway their opinion (although unlikely), and if not swaying the devoted, perhaps it will sway the undecided. Either way, things like this must be shown, the planet needs to know what's happening, not some sugar coated bullshit. Beheadings should be televised, executions should be televised, we don't live in a happy go lucky world, and we must be aware of this.