Originally Posted by Gilda
I, too, tend to get annoyed when this subject comes up, annoyed by the implication that my children will somehow be harmed by not having a man in the home.
I feel compelled to address this because simply put...your children will be harmed without a man in the house.
Children need to raised by a mother and a father. Currently social changes not with standing. It's possible, but not ideal, by any stretch of reason, to think that the alternatives are "just as good." They aren't. Not by a long shot.
In the situation you describe yourself in, your children's mother will have ~failed~ at her marriage, at best she would have made a bad decision in the first place. How is this ideal? Your children will be harmed. They may weather the storm superbly and come out as exceptional people, but they will have had to struggle with issue to do so. Energy tapped from the development of other potential squandered.
It's not a zero sum game. You can't swap one situation for another equally. Some will work adequately, but only one is ideal. That is a two parent mother/father loving family. Anything less is not ideal and is harmful, even if harm which can be overcome.
my .02 cents
/btw..I don't mean to single you out, embarrass or put ~you~ on the spot as an individual. You provided something quotable for me to illustrate my point.