Originally Posted by Ustwo
That about sums up my feeling on Mr.Happy, so I too only wonder what makes a man say 'off with the head!' so to speak. Its about as drastic a thing one could do to themselves and I'm not sure how someone decides its best discarded.
First, not all transsexuals have genital surgery. Many find that, once they've been taking estrogen and androgen blockers for a couple of years and living as a woman for a year, and in some cases, having their testicles removed (orchiectomy or orchidectomy), the penis ceases to be percieved as a sexual organ for them. Indeed, this is actually a common occurance a few months after removal of the testicles.
And contrary to popular misconception, it's still possible for a MTF to get an erection and have intercourse even after she starts taking estrogen, androgen blockers, and even after orchiectomy.
The penis also retains it's sexual sensitivity for a great many MTF's so long as a minimal level of testosterone (which is also produced in the adrenal glands) is maintained and even in the absense of an erection can be used in intimate contact, much the way a woman's clit is.
That said, most MTF's do desire SRS. However, you seem to be operating under another misconception. The only piece of male anatomy that is discarded is the testicles. Everything else is restructured into female genitals. In the most commonly used procedure, a penile inversion vaginoplasty, the skin of the shaft is turned inside out and used as the lining of the neo-vagina, in Sissy's case with a graft from the scrotum, and the glans is reused as the new clitoris. Sometimes a graft from the colon is also used in the neo-vagina to provide lubrication and additional depth.
But that's not what you're really asking is it? What makes a man want to not have a penis? The answer is that a MTF isn't a man, she's a woman. I don't want to have a penis. Based on the responses to a thread from not too long ago, the vast majority of women don't. A MTF transsexual is a woman, and just like other women, wants to have a vagina rather than a penis.
The mistake is to think of it as a psychological problem. It isn't. It's a physical problem. The transsexual has malformed genitals, and the surgeon corrects this malformation.