I have been personally amazed at transgendered/transexual people. Because as a society we do treat them as outsiders (society as a whole). Both genders have the same feeling, now I am only speaking as a general whole of the people. I think the accptance of these people take a somewhat long time because we are somewhat baffled by why a person was born this way or why the would want to be another gender.
Though as I say this, I don't think it would bother me at all. I would just be curious to see what it is like.
There are something that cannot be explained that easily, so I guess thats why I don't really want to ask why. But for me my biggest question would be what is the impact on these persons life, before and after the change? Were they treated differently or was it all the same?
Last edited by streak_56; 06-16-2005 at 08:58 AM..