Originally Posted by Ustwo
In case you don't recall, the democrat memos from the judiciary committee were hacked/leaked a few years back showing how they planned to block nominees that had nothing to do with the merit of those nominees. Personally I wouldn't let the democrats near the committee as they have proven they are going solely on politics.
Yeah....the Republicans have proven that they intend to be accountable to no one. If not the Democrats, who do you offer to challenge the move to a totalitarian regime, Amnesty International ?
Prosecutor Misconduct In Two Recent High-Profile Cases:
Why It Happens, and How We Can Better Prevent It
Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004
...........What about federal disciplinary options when prosecutors go astray? Sadly, they are also weak.
In 2001, the General Accounting Office wrote a stinging report on the Justice Department's Office of Professional
Responsibility. It found that OPR rarely held prosecutors accountable for misconduct. And if OPR turned over a case over
to the state that licensed an errant prosecutor, OPR rarely followed up.
In response to the report, Congress called on OPR to start doing a better job of self-policing. As Chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-WI) remarked, "The public has a right to demand the highest ethical
standards for its public servants, particularly those acting on their behalf in the legal system. Unfortunately, today's
report indicates the OPR's procedures fall short of ensuring accountability for attorneys who commit ethics violations and
ensuring public transparency of the process. Both areas are critical in maintaining integrity and public confidence in a
self-regulating profession."
Did OPR improve itself? It's hard to tell. OPR is supposed to file an annual report, but the last one I found on its
website was for 2001. It is filled with self-congratulatory reports of how well it is doing its job -- but it is also
lacking in specifics.</b> We should all watch closely to see if the Mellin and the Detroit cell prosecutors -- all of whom
plainly committed misconduct -- are disciplined by OPR or not. If not, that in itself will be a strong sign that OPR is
still not doing its job..........
...........Furthermore, Amnesty International calls upon state bar authorities to investigate the Administration lawyers
alleged to be involved in the torture scandal for failing to meet professional responsibility standards. The attorneys who
wrote various legal opinions that may have provided cover for subsequent crimes and who should be investigated include
Bybee and David Addington, General Counsel to Vice President Cheney; Robert Delahunty, former Special Counsel in the
Office of Homeland Security, and three attorneys in the Office of Legal Counsel—John Yoo, former Deputy Assistant Attorney
General, Patrick Philbin, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, and Jack Goldsmith, former Assistant Attorney General. We
also call on the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility to make public the findings of its
investigation into the Bybee memo..........
I highlighted the fact that since Jan. 20, 2001, the only OPR annual report that has been released by this
administration's DOJ was for the year 2000, before the current occupants took office. There has been no follow up to the
DOJ Nov. 1, 2003 WAPO news story that the OPR had opened an investigation into the prosecutorial misconduct exposed in
October, 2003, that occurred in the 1983 prosection of former CIA operative Edwin P. Wilson.
I suspect that as long as the public can be distracted by tripe like "a runaway bride", the "jacko" trial and acquittal,
and the Bush SSI crisis road show, sprinkled with the post Schiavo circus demands for judicial "accountability, no OPR
reports need ever be made public again. Some of you voted for more of this, but you remind me that you are the true
patriots, and I am the negative, subversive, un-American dissenter!
I am observing that there is very little interest here about this story of a Federal Justice Dept. and CIA conspiracy that
knowingly carried out a fraud upon the court by submitting as evidence a false and damning affadavit against Ed Wilson
that led to him serving 10 years in solitary confinement, and an additional 12 years in a "super max" federal prison.
I am adding the following just for reference:
(Good news??? The government is "investigating"?.....Hardly...
there has been no follow up on this in 19 months, ABC news and the NY Times did not report on the WA PO report below,
and the "Office of Professional Responsibility" at <a
href="http://www.usdoj.gov/opr/reports.htm">http://www.usdoj.gov/opr/reports.htm</a> has not issued an annual report since
2001, coinciding with the current administration's tenure in office. So....two federal judges and as many as 15 other top
government officials continue to hold high office with no accountability relating to their actions in this fraud!)
Stanley Sporkin / Edwin Wilson: WASHINGTON POST Inquiry In Case Of Arms Dealer: Justice to Probe Conduct of Prosecution,
by Susan Schmidt, Washington Post Staff Writer, November 1, 2003 Page A12
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