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Old 06-15-2005, 08:00 PM   #1 (permalink)
big damn hero
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The industrious bank teller.

One last one for the night...

A bank supervisor is making his monthly rounds of the bank and notices a remarkably industrious fellow counting out his drawer at the end of his shift.

The teller is breezing through the checklist. As he counts out all his money, the bank manager notices that the fellow is remarkably quick. The fellow with a rapid run through of his drawer has organized his drawer perfectly. He turns all the bills the same way and even puts it in the right order (smallest to largest) so fast, the manager barely manages to keep track himself.

"That is the fastest I've ever seen anybody check out." the manager says, "I know you're a recent hire, but it looks like you've been doing this your whole life. Where were you before we lucked into hiring you?"

"Yale, sir I've spent the last four years in Yale" the man replies.

"Fantastic." the manager says. "I was a Harvard man, myself, but that was years and years ago. It's good to see the standards haven't been lowered too much over the years. Although the correct way to say that is 'at' Yale not in 'Yale'"

The manager turns away, heading back to his office to grab his coat before leaving.

"Excuse me, in all my excitement I forgot to ask you your name." the manager says half turning back to the industrious teller.

"Yim Yohnson, sir." the fellow replies. "But my friends call me Yimmy."

Get it? Get it?

Ah, your right.....

No signature. None. Seriously.
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