A couple of factors can affect your percieved performance.
As said before, Dehydration, especially in the summer months, is a major factor. Your urine should be clear, anything else and you're dehydrated. Be careful of being over-hydrated (thanks to all those gatorade commercials, people now believe this is a lot bigger of a problem than it actually is).
Another factor could be blood sugar, you have eaten something with carbohydrates today, haven't you?
Also, if you had worked out hard, at the gym, for example, you will be more tired, when you're full of lactic acid, your heart rate will be higher.
What are the symptoms of running poorly, you say you run the same pace. Are you more out of breath? Do you have to stop earlier? Dead legs? It could just be a mental thing. If you do not want to run, for example, you'll probably feel like you need to stop when you probably could keep going. Or it could be something physical.