Thread: True Equality
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Old 06-15-2005, 02:01 PM   #18 (permalink)
I don't see equality as holding any ideals. It would be to forgo all judgement, to let go of everything. Is it possible to accept the worst murdering butcher to the highest preist as equal? are they not both simply living mortals, identical in value?

To say one is better then the other is to compare them moraly or rationaly or emotionaly. It is to define what is right and what is wrong. I can't and don't want to let go of the values and ideals that are ingrained in me from both a biological and cultural influences. By being able to define what I feel is right and what I feel is wrong, I can justify my actions. Is it honest? only to myself.

Chickentribs, you stated that you base value based on the past and what people aspire for in the future. What about the present? Should it not be the most valueable of all moments?

Martian, I can understand and agree with what you say but doesn't each person have the right to their choice or what reaching their potential means. It could be a very subjective concept and can't span past one individuals point of veiw.

Asaris, if you don't belive you can compare or judge people, isn't that to accept that everyone is just being or equal?

roachboy, I am speaking in the substantive sense. I have thought about forgiveness as being a form of acceptance, to be able to take things at an absolute face value. Where I think Christians defer is that they may be able to forgive they do so under the pretense that it is God who will have the final judgement and avenge there cause.

Ustwo, If I could throw away everything that I hold dear I could feel that we are all identitical. All our diffrences would be subjective or open to interpretation. The only truth would be grounded in reality and we are and nothing more.

Lebell, defing the context is part of the question. What is important? what if nothing were important. Is it possible to truely accept meaninglessness? I can't remeber the philosophers name but it has been suggested the most important question is simply "Is life worth living?"

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