Thread: True Equality
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Old 06-15-2005, 01:05 PM   #16 (permalink)
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MageB420666's Avatar
Location: Hell if I know
Equality cannot be reached in a democratic society, one person's ideals, values, and morals will always be held over anothers. It is inherent in a social system that allows free thought. The majority rules and the minorities are either ignored, repressed, or fight to become the majority.

Example: Racism. By holding to the ideal view of equality, you are repressing one group of people. You are saying that the ideals and beliefs held by a group of people (KKK, Black Panthers, Nazis, etc.) are less valid than your own, a.k.a. unequal.

It is impossible for an equal society to occur, because whether people want to face it or not, people are DIFFERENT, not EQUAL, there are the rich and the poor, those who are smart and those who are stupid, those with charisma and those without, those with ambition and those who don't care, and people who will fall in everywhere between. Is one persons life less valuable than anothers? In my opinion no, except for two circumstances will I consider one person's life less valuable than anothers, if they commit rape and/or murder.

There is not even legal equality in the United States. For the laws are a representation of the rules in which society wishes to live, not just the majority, but the minorities as well. So if there was equality then all social groups would have the laws they want, but as you can guess, many of these laws would be mutually exclusive. So some of the groups have their ideas and values repressed in the name of satisfying the majority of the people.
Apathy: The best outlook this side of I don't give a damn.
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