Originally Posted by matthew330
" He also said she was blind, because the "vision centers of her brain were dead."
Being that autopsy's are more often than not post-mortem, wouldn't everything in her brain be dead?
In all seriousness guy44 this: "She certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli" is not a medical diagnosis, it's an opinion, a professional one at that. One which many shared based on the videos shows and because of Terri's controlling behavior, is all anyone had to go on. This does not make him an ass or the worst doctor ever.
his opinion was based on seeing her eyes reflexively follow the light and putting his wishes onto her. and he then tried to use her for political gain. that's why he was an ass. so what if other people made an opinion based on seeing a video? he was a doctor, he should have known better. i'm not sure how you can even say it was a professional opinion. for him to give a professional opinion, he would need to read her chart, her health history, and examine her himself (if possible). but he didn't do any of that. he just saw a video. one made by her parents that showed only what they wanted it to. hell, i could show you a video of me turning water into wine... that doesn't make me jesus.
and of course autopsies are post-mortem. but you differentiate healthy tissue from diseased and dead tissue. you keep the corpse nice and cold so it doesn't start decomposing until after you're done with the autopsy. the fact that the brain was about half the weight of a healthy one shows that areas of it no longer existed, and they can look at the tissue of the various areas of the brain to see where damage had been done.