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Old 06-15-2005, 09:42 AM   #9 (permalink)
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ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
Originally Posted by kangaeru
Hossified -- Yes, she is that hot. I am going for it, of course. But I'm sitting here at work till 6pm and then I can't go see what's up until 10:30 and I wanted to hear some opinions and talk about this here.

Shani -- I consider myself a very open minded person...but I can be judgemental. I have never been exposed to anyone with any kind of 'mistress' face, which, now that you mention it, sounds much more accurate to describe the picture and pose than my lumping it in as being 'goth' . I honestly just have no experience with this kind of thing, I've never dealt with anybody who had this kind of secret personality they would let out from inside them.

I guess on one level im a bit scared, since I haven't seen behavior like this, but it's kind of exciting too. Honestly these reasons I listed aren't enough to stop me from testing out what things will be with her, but if you could post here or even PM me about what a 'mistress face' means to might help me understand better.

what I mean by my "mistress" face, is that I dont come to work every day, or go to the grocery store, or run into walmart or go to the gym, wearing leather and chains and carrying my flogger around. That kind of thing is reserved for certain kinds of get togethers and at home. Its not a secret personality at all, but there are people that dont need to necessarily know that I live a BDSM lifestyle, I also dont think that potraying that type of person is appropriate in some places. I could just see the little kids at wal mart running screaming cause I'm going down the shampoo aisle wielding a flogger in one hand

Unless you are a person that has to have attention at any or all costs....its not necessary to "advertise" everything about you 24/7....does that help explain it a little?
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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